My name's Maxer Derek, a 10 years soilder in the US army. After ranked as a captain I quitted the force to head home in Vietnam. Before I go I want to have a vacation some where then I found a flyer said Nevada is a nice place for a day off so I took a ticket and head there.
When the bus hit Nevada land, tragedy happened: a rocket hit the bus and the bus flew in the air then everyone die within. Luckily I survived, I crawled out of the pile of destruction and the last thing I saw was a gun barrel and the thing I heard clearly was: "Nexus"
I woke up and I found my self in a cell, funny thing is there a TV, a bed, and a computer in there. There are 3 doors: one lead to a toilet, the other is locked, and the last one lead to a hall. There a door said: "arsenal" but I got in and not a single weapon in it and right infront of the arsenal is a shop: there no shop keepers in there, just a big touch screen, there also 200$ on the table.I hit the red button and the screen show a list of available weapons and gears I can buy but they're too expensive to buy so I skipped it. The last door I see is lead to a big arena then behind those glass the a guy in a yellow mask said: "welcome to project Nexus experiment number 240182861 aka "Maxer". Please hit the button to start the battle"
I hit the button and a bunch of grunts run out to attack me. I fought back and sundenly one of them hit me by surprise with a pipe.
I woke up in that cell again and I saw under the locked door slit in some cash and then I asked: "how did I live?" A voice behind the door said: "You been killed in the fight but we can clone you when ever we needed to clone you. ". I grabed those cash and head to the shop and bought a knife. This time I walk out with the knife in the pocket, I hit the button and still those grunts running out. I beated them up and and them I saw a pipe swinging at me and I pull out the knife and block the hit, I killed the bastard. Wave ended, I walk back in and more cash on the desk. The shop got nothing good though. The sencond wave got melee grunts and I stabed them to death and I saw one with a gun and I threw the knife and it a head shot I ran up and grab the gun and shot the hell out of them.
The test lab still made me fight days after days, weeks after weeks, month after months. I am sicked of it. I got every thing: the cool hair, the bad ass fedora, the trench coat, a whole arsenal of powerful weapons. What is project Nexus? I see no reasons. One day I went on another wave and it was nothing... untill a wall blew up. Can't belived in my eyes: is Hank.J.Wimbleton- the most wanted guy of the AAHW. If get him I may hold a ticket out of here. No thinking, I charge up with my mega machete and hit him, he blocked, I kicked his chest, slam him face. Standing on his chest to end him up with a final blow, but then I felt ache in my back, pulled out, is a tranquilizer dart. I let down my guard, Hank wasn't alone, I fell and I saw Deimos-another wanted guy of the AAHW. I passed out
to be continue